The Faces of KeHE: Sherri Peabody
Any company that has been around for 70 years will have to adapt to meet the constantly evolving needs of consumers. The introduction of new technology has given us the resources to fine-tune distribution strategies and become a better resource for our customers. It’s especially gratifying to hear firsthand from long-term employees how KeHE has improved and become better over time. Sherri Peabody works in the accounting department and has been with KeHE for 37 years, which means she has a lot of valuable insight into the changes KeHE has incorporated to become more efficient and reliable.
We sat down with Sherri to hear about her experience at KeHE
Q: What brought you to KeHE?
A: I worked with another distributor that closed in 1985 and happened to have a friend at KeHE who referred me. KeHE had just started expanding out of Illinois and I was hired to work in the accounts payable department.

Q: Tell us a little about your role at KeHE and how it’s changed over the years.
A: I started in accounts payable and then moved to the re-order department —now referred to as the supply chain— and finally landed in general accounting. At that time, that was a one-person position but once KeHE bought Tree of Life, the department expanded and more people were put on to increase efficiency. Now, I am responsible for accounting and rebates.
Q: How has KeHE fostered your growth within the company?
A: KeHE has given me the flexibility to explore new opportunities that sparked my interest within the company. The company has trusted me to do my job well while still trying new things and I am very grateful for that flexibility because it’s made my job more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Q: What are some of the most significant changes you’ve seen during your tenure with KeHE?
A: The thing that’s changed the most is our technology! Technological advancements have helped KeHE streamline processes, making us more efficient. The culture has also evolved, with people from all departments collaborating to solve problems. When everybody works together, we have the ability to present our customers with better results.
Q: What has been your favorite memory during your time at KeHE?
A: Sometime in the late ’90s, we got a tremendous amount of rain in August. As it rained, everybody just stood at the windows and watched together as the retention pond filled to the brim. That night the news kept saying that Romeoville was flooding. Regardless of where the team was, they all got to our distribution center to make sure our customers received their orders. The people at KeHE are so amazing that seemingly small moments like those become memorable.
As the industry changes, we will continue to update our methods and technologies to better serve and grow with our suppliers, retailers, and employees. We look forward to having dedicated employees like Sherri help us grow by tackling challenges head-on. With change being inevitable, we are grateful to have collaborative employees who are excited to learn new things.
To learn more about KeHE, please visit https://www.kehe.com/about/.