The Faces of KeHE: Ed Kitterman
Throughout the years, our employees have grown alongside KeHE and are central to our success in the industry. Ed Kitterman, Senior Territory Sales Manager, is one of our valued long-time employees who has had a considerable impact on countless people. He has been with KeHE for many years and has experienced lots of changes within the company.
Learn more about Ed’s story below!
Q: What brought you to KeHE? How long have you been with the company?
A: I have been with KeHE for 17 years. Oddly enough, an ad in the newspaper for a sales position is how I landed at KeHE. That seems like a foreign concept these days, but there was a time when you searched the newspaper for news, weather, sports scores, and yes, even jobs.
Q: Tell us a little about your role at KeHE and how it’s changed over the years.
A: My career began as a sales rep in stores, writing and stocking orders. Eventually, this led me to become a Territory Sales Manager. After a couple of years as a TSM I became a Regional Director of Sales and eventually a Senior Director of Sales. I am currently a Senior TSM.

Q: How has KeHE fostered your growth within the company?
A: I am lucky to always have had a coach or a mentor within KeHE at each level I have served, and that has been crucial for my success. KeHE has never stopped challenging me to be better, and it continuously provides me with the resources to accomplish my goals. I really appreciate that.
Q: What are some of the biggest changes you’ve seen during your tenure with KeHE?
A: Wow! What a great question. I would have to say growth. When I started with KeHE, we were a Regional Distributor. Look at us now, serving all of North America! The growth I have seen in my 17 years here is amazing. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that we used to have to wear ties to work every day. Now, we are a little more casual, and I am good with that.
Q: During your time with KeHE, what milestones are you most proud to have been a part of?
A: I would have to say every milestone that KeHE Cares has been able to obtain makes me the proudest. Knowing that just by me going to work every day and assisting our customers in growing their business, I am contributing to a cause that has done so much for so many, and will continue to do so long after I am gone.
Q: What has been your favorite memory during your time at KeHE?
A: There have been so many great memories over the years that I don’t think I could pick just one, but I will try. I was at my first Holiday Show and attending the after-show party at Navy Pier when I found myself standing next to Jerry Kehe. We started a conversation, and at one point he asked how long I had been with KeHE. I said, “about 10 weeks,” and his reply was, “so you are new, welcome to KeHE! I hope this is the last place you will ever work.” I could sense the sincerity in his voice, and I knew from that day on that my mission was to do the best I could every day at my job so I could retire with KeHE. I will never forget that conversation.
Q: What legacy do you hope to leave behind with KeHE?
A: I was raised to always “leave it better than you found it,” so my hope for when my time at KeHE comes to an end is that I will leave having made a positive impact on someone’s life, whether it be a coworker or a customer, and someday they will do the same.
As the industry changes, we will continue to update our methods and technologies to better serve and grow with our suppliers, retailers, and employees. We look forward to having dedicated employees like Ed help us grow by tackling challenges head-on. With change being inevitable, we are grateful to have collaborative employees who are excited to learn new things.
To learn more about KeHE, please visit https://www.kehe.com/about/.