The Faces of KeHE: Amber Hammond
At KeHE, we like to recognize employees who have been with us for several years and have made a positive impact on the company and those around them. Today’s featured employee is Amber Hammond, Executive Director of Sales. For 30 years, she has positively impacted many of our colleagues at KeHE.
Learn more about Amber below!
Q: What brought you to KeHE? How long have you been with the company?
A: I came to KeHE through an integration in 2016 when KeHE purchased Monterrey provisions.
Q: Tell us a little about your role at KeHE and how it’s changed over the years.
A: In 2016 at Monterrey, my role was the Director of Marketing. At Monterrey, I led our Marketing Team, Events Teams, and Category Specialists for Fresh Perimeter. My role changed many times over the years from Fresh Sales, Business Development, and Exclusive Brands, and I was involved in many different project expansions like Direct Demos and Specialty Cut and Wrap.
Q: How has KeHE fostered your growth within the company?
A: I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to work for many different leaders at KeHE, all with different experiences and styles. KeHE has fostered my growth through cross-functional opportunities, leadership development programs like Aspiring Leaders, and exposure to an executive coach and mentor.
Q: What are some of the biggest changes you’ve seen during your tenure with KeHE?
A: I have the honor of being co-chair of our Women Empowered group. Some of the biggest changes I have seen are the effort KeHE puts into pushing our people forward and giving back through KeHE Cares.
Q: During your time with KeHE, what milestones are you most proud to have been a part of?
A: I am most proud of the work we do giving back. Whether it was a trip to Laredo packing groceries for the elderly, packing backpacks for students in need, or gathering products for the people of Maui due to recent fires, that is what makes me love my job so much.
Q: What has been your favorite memory during your time at KeHE?
A: Winning the MVP award. It was a very tough year for my team during Covid, and sales in the perimeter really struggled, but my team was able to overcome it. That was an achievement we were very proud of.
Q: What legacy do you hope to leave behind with KeHE?
A: The legacy I hope to leave behind is a leader who has influenced positive change in our people, challenging them to grow even when they might not have believed in themselves.
To learn more about KeHE, please visit https://www.kehe.com/about/.