Insight Into the 2021 KeHE Holiday Show
On June 10, KeHE kicked off our interactive virtual Holiday Show for the first time on KeHE CONNECT®, our proprietary digital ordering platform! Annually, over 500 attendees gather and expect to see trend education along with product innovation for the upcoming holiday buying season, and we aim to deliver! This year, show participants will virtually explore our New Product Showcase, vote for a Next Generation Innovation Faceoff winner, and see On Trend® award winners! With so much going on, we are giving you a rundown of all the major happenings during the 2021 KeHE Holiday Show:
And the On Trend® Award winner is…
KeHE’s Innovation Gurus have reviewed and vetted hundreds of applicants for our On Trend® Awards and identified the top 17 brands! Judged by a panel of five industry experts, each brand was selected based on innovation, purpose, ingredients, and salability for each high impact category:

Next Generation Innovation Showcase & Faceoff
Competing for a coveted spot in the KeHE’s elevate™ program, the Holiday Show is offering five select brands a chance to pitch their items to KeHE’s Category Management team. The winner will receive entry into KeHE elevate™, where they will receive support to help grow their presence in the marketplace. To give show participants a say in the selection, we have opened up live voting to participants! In addition to the brand competing for a spot in our distribution, we have set up a virtual Next Generation Innovation Product Showcase, where newly added brands can prominently display their products through the event.

Restoring Hope at the Show
In each show, KeHE makes it a mission to give back. This year, the KeHE Holiday Show is offering a way to help make an impact on the lives of women trafficked in Nepal. On average, 54 women and girls are sex trafficked out of Nepal every day. Safe Nepal provides a safe space for women to restore their hope, health, dignity, and respect that has been taken away from them. For every order placed during the KeHE Holiday Show, our philanthropic arm KeHE Cares®️ will donate $1 to furnish a new expanded safe house in Nepal, comfortably housing over 120 women.
The 2021 KeHE Holiday Show is exclusive to current KeHE suppliers and retailers. To learn more about KeHE’s trade shows, visit https://www.kehe.com/events/.